Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Can Computers Think The Case For and Against Artificial Intelligence Essay Example For Students

Would computers be able to Think? The Case For and Against Artificial Intelligence Essay Would computers be able to Think? The Case For and Against Artificial Intelligence Essay Man-made brainpower has been the subject of numerous awful 80s motion pictures and incalculable sci-fi books. In any case, what happens when we genuinely consider the topic of PCs that think. Is it workable for PCs to have complex contemplations, and even feelings, similar to homo sapien? This paper will look to answer that question and furthermore see what endeavors are being made to make computerized reasoning (from this point forward called AI) a reality. Before we can research whether PCs can think, it is important to build up what precisely believing is. Analyzing the three primary hypotheses is similar to looking at three religions. None offers enough help to successfully wipe out the chance of the others being valid. The three primary hypotheses are: 1. Thought doesnt exist; that's all anyone needs to know. 2. Thought exists, yet is contained entirely in the cerebrum. As it were, the real material of the mind is fit for what we recognize as thought. 3. Thought is the aftereffect of a mysterious marvels including the spirit and an entirety slew of other unprovable thoughts. Since neither peruser nor author is a researcher, in every practical sense, we will say just that thinking is the thing that we (as homo sapien) experience. So what are we to think about insight? The most convincing contention is that knowledge is the capacity to adjust to a situation. Work area PCs can, say, go to a particular WWW address. In any case, if the location were transformed, it wouldnt realize how to approach finding the enhanced one (or even that it should). So insight is the capacity to play out an errand taking into thought the conditions of finishing the assignment. So since we have the entirety of that out of that way, would computers be able to think? The issue is challenged as fervently among researchers as the upsides of Superman over Batman is among pre-pubescent young men. From one viewpoint are the researchers who state, as thinker John Searle does, that Programs are all language structure and no semantics. (Find, 106) Put another way, a PC can really accomplish thought since it only adheres to decides that disclose to it how to move images while never understanding the significance of those images. (Find, 106) On the opposite side of the discussion are the supporters of commotion, clarified by Robert Wright in Time in this way: Our mind subliminally produces contending speculations about the world, and just the triumphant hypothesis turns out to be a piece of awareness. Is that a close by fly or a far off plane on the edge of your vision? Is that a child crying or a feline yowling? When we become mindful of such pictures and sounds, these discussion have normally been settled by means of a victor take-all battle. The triumphant hypothesis the one that best matches the information has wrested control of our neurons and hence our perceptual field. (54) So, since our idea depends on past understanding, PCs can in the end figure out how to think. The occasion which got this discussion open investigation was Garry Kasparov, ruling chess victor of the world, contending in a six game chess coordinate against Deep Blue, an IBM supercomputer with 32 microchips. Kasparov in the long run won (4-2), however it brought up the genuine issue, if a PC can beat the chess victor of the world unexpectedly (a game idea of as the extreme reasoning keeps an eye on game), is there any inquiry of AIs authenticity? To be sure, indeed, even Kasparov said he could feel-I could smell another sort of insight over the table. (Time, 55) But, in the end everybody, including Kasparov, understood that what adds up to just animal power, while amazing, isn't thought. Dark Blue could consider 200 million moves every second. .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 , .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .postImageUrl , .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 , .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:hover , .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:visited , .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:active { border:0!important; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:active , .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16a afaf0c7 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u322f84f8b6bd3d5557f86a16aafaf0c7:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Into The Wild: Test Essay But it come up short on the instinct great human players have. Fred Guterl, writing in Discover, clarifies. Studies have indicated that in a commonplace position, a solid human play considers on normal just two moves. As it were, the player is picking between two up-and-comer moves that he naturally perceives, in view of earlier experience, as adding to the objectives of the position. Looking to go past the animal power of Deep Blue in discrete ventures, are M.I. T. teacher Rodney Brooks and PC researcher Douglas Lenat. The want to overcome AI are the place the likenesses between the two end. Creeks is chipping away at an AI being nicknamed Cog. Gear-tooth has cameras for eyes, eight 32-piece chip for a mind and before long will have a skin-like layer. Creeks is permitting Cog to find out about the world like a child .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

History of Special Education Law Essay

History of Special Education Law History of Special Education Law From the get-go until the finish of time, there will consistently be understudies who require custom curriculum administrations. All through the twentieth century, there have been numerous laws written to attempt to secure and assist understudies with handicaps. Two specifically are the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 1990). Custom curriculum classes were accessible in the 1950’s, however the result for the understudies was not what guardians anticipated. The understudies in these classes couldn't preformâ academically, and were viewed as closed off. They in the end were sent to unique schools that concentrated on showing them manual abilities. The projects may have been accessible, yet unmistakably it was segregation towards those understudies with inabilities. This is the reason the laws composed for the crippled are so significant, particularly in the educational system. The outline above contrasts two articles covering people and inabilities; one is a review of incapacities, covering the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, otherwise called Public Law 94-142, and the other isâ an diagram of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. In the article on an outline of incapacities, it says the impeded youngsters must meet two measures; they should have at least one inability and require specialized curriculum and related administrations (ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, R. A. , 1987). In this article, it additionally gives explicit meanings of the inabilities that kids must have to be considered for help under Public Law 94-142. The satisfactory incapacities recorded range from hard of hearing to daze toâ mental impediment, orthopedically weakened, and those that are discourse disabled or have a learning inability, among numerous different handicaps. At the point when a kid is thought to have an impediment, there is a multidisciplinary group that will assess the youngster. The group comprises of in any event one educator or pro that knows about the understudy with the handicap. At the point when the group meets, ? Composed INTO FOUR PARTS ?STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN STATE AND DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS ?INCLUDES DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES ?REQUIRES PARENTAL CONSENT FOR EVALUATIONS ?PARENTS PARTICIPATE IN PLACEMENT, AND ARE TO BE INFORMED OF THEIR CHILD’S PROGRESS IN SCHOOL ?STUDENT MUST HAVE A DISABILITY AND REQUIRE SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES UNDER THE EAHC ACT ? MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM DETERMINES IF STUDENT REQUIRES SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES BECAUSE NOT ALL CHILDREN THAT HAVE DISABILITIES REQUIRE SPECIAL EDUCATION ?DEFINES THE DISABILITIES ACCEPTED ?MUST PROVIDE FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION REGARDLESS OF TYPE OF DISABILITY ?STUDENTS HAVE ACCESS TO GENERAL EDUCATION CLASSES WITH ACCOMMODAT IONS DISABILITIES: AN OVERVIEW AN OVERVIEW OF THE IDEA OF 1997 3 . History of Special Education Lawâ they will decide whether the kid will require custom curriculum administrations or not. All schools and organizations that offer types of assistance for kids with inabilities must consent to P. L. 94-142 so as to get government help. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 depends on grievances and should be implemented by guardians or different supporters of incapacitated youngsters; Noncompliance of P. L. 94-142 will bring about assets being halted for the organization or school included (Ballard and Zettel, 1978). This is by all accounts a decent impetus for organizations to ensure they are agreeable with all the laws overseeing youngsters with incapacities. There were a few contrasts from the above article on inabilities with the article An Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. Thought is composed into four sections to cover the entirety of the arrangements for understudies with handicaps. Likewise, under IDEA, understudies need to partake in state evaluations, regardless of whether it is a substitute appraisal from those in customary training. â€Å"IDEA 97 expects states to remember understudies with handicaps for state and area wide testing programs, with housing when necessary,† (Knoblauch and ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R.A. , 1998. p. 3). Under IDEA, all understudies will have individualized training plan (IEP) that must be followed to guarantee kids with handicaps are benefiting from their instruction, and necessities to incorporate an announcement of progress beginning at age 14. Another distinction is that IDEA 97 incorporates disciplinary techniques for understudies with incapacities. It says that understudies won't be prevented a training in light of the fact that from securing their conduct. It plots the various systems for managing conduct issues, for instance schools are permitted to put an understudy in a substitute setting if theirâ behavior is to such an extent that they can't stay in their present setting without disturbance. Under IDEA, understudies have an IEP group that meets to compose the IEP for the understudies, and for a situation of conduct issues, the IEP group decides the activity that should be taken with the understudy. Parental 4 History of Special Education Law assent is likewise required for assessments, and the parent is engaged with the IEP meeting concerning anything with their kid. Under IDEA, guardians are to be keep educate regarding any school situation, and furthermore the advancement of their youngsters. For rebelliousness to the IDEA 97 Act, the governmentâ can retain subsidizing until they are in consistence with all angles plot in the IDEA demonstration (Heumann and Hehir, 1997). While there are a few contrasts between both of these articles, there are a few likenesses moreover. Under the two demonstrations recorded, all understudies paying little heed to inabilities must be furnished with a free government funded training, and they additionally should approach general instruction study halls too, and facilities must be met. While it appears that these two articles spread two unique laws that were passed, actually they are one in the equivalent. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was amended and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). While the Public Law 94-142 furnished that all youngsters with incapacities will get a free state funded instruction, IDEA permits has arrangements for changing understudies into secondary school. As referenced previously, both of these demonstrations give government financing to programs for understudies with inabilities as long as the organizations that are getting the assets are in consistence with the rules. â€Å"â€Å"In request to get government reserves, states must create and execute approaches thatâ assure a free fitting government funded instruction (FAPE) to all kids with incapacities. The state plans MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FEDERAL STATUTE,† (PROTIGAL, 1999, P. 1). To close, both of the articles in the paper plot what is anticipated from schools and projects that have understudies with incapacities. Each kid in America is qualified for a free government funded instruction with no separation in light of a handicap they may have. Every youngster can learn, regardless of whether it is at an alternate rate or pace from their companions. It is dependent upon instructors to 5 History of Special Education Lawâ understand what the laws are and intend to them and their understudies to guarantee they are offering them the best training they can in agreement their individual capacities. 6 History of Special Education Law References Ballard, J. , and Zettel, J. J. (1978). The Managerial Aspects of Public Law 94-142. Remarkable Children, 44(6), 457-462. Recovered from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? sid=41ba31e7-5ca7-4b9f-af8b-6397f85b5446%40sessionmgr4003&vid=7&hid=4108 ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, R. A. (1987). Incapacities: An Overview. ERIC Digest #420. Overhauled. Recovered from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/detail? sid=649ed845-5bb9-4722-baf1-bf2e12c42623%40sessionmgr4005&vid=1&hid=4103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl 2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=eric&AN=ED291203 Heumann, J. , and Hehir, T. (1997, September). â€Å"believing in kids â€. Recovered from http://www2. ed. gov/workplaces/OSERS/Policy/IDEA/article2. html Knoblauch, B. , and ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R. A. (1998). An Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (P. L. 105-17). ERIC DIGEST. Recovered FROM http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/detail? sid=d91c90f3-6f83-4434-b3b2-bb80ae7660a0%40sessionmgr4002&vid=1&hid=4103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl 2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=eric&AN=ED430325 Protigal, S. (1999). Open law 94-142 †instruction of every impeded kid act. Recovered from http://www. scn. organization/~bk269/94-142. html 7 History of Special Education Law 8 View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Special training, Individualized Education Program, Gifted instruction, Education, Disability, Educational brain science, Education arrangement RELATED DOCUMENTS specialized curriculum †¦ can cause hip disengagement and twisted bone development. No treatment might be right now accessible to diminish David’s debilitation. Incapacity: David’s failure to walk is an inability. His degree of incapacity can be improved with exercise based recuperation and uncommon hardware. For instance, on the off chance that he figures out how to utilize a walker, with supports, his degree of incapacity will improve significantly. Debilitation: David’s cerebral paralysis is incapacitating to the degree that it keeps him from satisfying a†¦ 1225 Words | 30 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT history of a specialized curriculum †¦ 25 The Legislative and Litigation History of Special Education Edwin W. Martin Reed Martin Donna L. Terman Abstract Between the mid 1960s and 1975, state governing bodies, the government courts, and the U. S. Congress explained solid educati

Monday, August 10, 2020

Come on, lets go food truckin

Come on, let’s go food truckin’ DID YOU KNOW? The Natural History Museum in London has a giant squid on display with 20-foot-long tentacles. Last night in my dorm we had a going-away potluck dinner for Julian, whos heading back to France on Friday morning, which featured a stunning international menu. I had this great Portuguese rice dish made with salt cod, a cheesy risotto, some Swedish meatballs (made by a real Swede!), a professional-looking German chocolate cake, a French pasta salad (huh?) and a metric ton of scallion pancakes made by Ling 07, who hails from Taiwan by way of New Jersey. And me? Well, I only found out about the dinner about two hours before it started, so I set out to make a great American delicacy: Sloppy Joes. Sams Mom and I have actually always called this ground beef and tomato sauce sandwich barbecue, but I called it Sloppy Joe in front of the Europeans to avoid confusion, and because I thought it sounded more American. Now, I usually like to make something more complicated for potlucks, but I was limited in time, ingredients, and cooking implements, and it seemed like a pretty easy thing to make on zero notice. Basically, I browned some beef with onions, poured in two cans of tomatoes, dumped in half a bottle of grill seasoning, which is the only spice that I have bought all summer, and let the whole thing simmer for two hours. It turned out alright and went over pretty well, even though nobody quite got the hang of using the meat to make a sandwich and then putting barbecue potato chips inside of it like a real American would do (Cheez-Its are even better, but you cant find them in Germany). The general consensus was that it was pretty similar to a Bolognese sauce for pasta, except a little spicier. But the quote of the evening, for me at least, came when Andreas from Germany got my attention from across the hallway to ask Hey Sam! What did you call this again? Slappy Doc? Yes, thats worthy of a second-rate 1950s sitcom, I think. And so amidst all this sumptuous international food, I thought to myself, Hey, the 10s are getting to campus just about now, maybe I should give them the word up on where some of the best places to get food are. So here are five of my favorite everyday things to eat on campus, so you dont fall victim to ordering overpriced pizzas at Alpine Bagel (do they even still exist?) or going to some other dorms dining hall and paying $10 for a three-course dinner. I love lists. 1. Small chicken burrito from Annas Taqueria, no cheese, black beans, lettuce, salsa, hot sauce, and guacamole if you can afford the extra 55 cents. I have somehow convinced myself that Annas is actually pretty healthyat least you know that the ingredients are fresh, and nothing is really too fatty as long as you skip the cheese. 2. Brown rice from Steam Cafe. For 75 cents you get as much brown rice as you can fit on a plate! Its hands-down the best calorie-per-dollar ratio you can find anywhere in Boston, and an invaluable source of carbs for marathon training. I usually get a small soup or entree to go with my gargantuan plate of riceSteam Cafe offers two of each per day, one vegetarian and one meat. They change every day, so I can usually find something that looks good among the four choices, but its becoming more difficult due to their recent trend of putting escarole in everything. 3. Peanut satay tofu from Goosebearys (the pan-Asian food truck behind building 68) with brown rice for 50 cents extra. They only offer it about a few times a week, but on other days the viet curry tofu is great, too. You get the tofu, some fresh steamed vegetables, a giant hunk of rice, and sometimes even a little salad for only $4. Goosebearys actually makes some of the best tofu dishes Ive ever had. And if you dont like tofu, teriyaki chicken also rocks. And some days when Im not too hungry I get two banh bao. OH WAIT, but dont ever miss the Fried Chicken Wontons when they have those on special! I love Goosebearys. 4. Falafel from the Middle Eastern food truck at 77 Mass Ave. If you buy 7 falafels, you get the eighth one free! How bad could that be? Everything at this food truck is pretty good, but beware of a similar truck behind building 68I got violently ill from their chicken shawarma one time. 5. Turkey sub on wheat from LaVerdes. Not for lunch, because the line is always too long, and Annas is both faster and less cramped. But on those days when Ive been on campus for 12 hours or so and dont feel like opening up the fridge after my 6.002 lab, nothing is more comforting than a LaVerdes sub and some kettle chips with black pepper. Also, take note: La Verdes has made a chicken parmesan sub for over 10 years but never thought to put it on the sub menu. The only way you would ever find out about it is by reading the bulletin board outside, where people ask Why dont you make a chicken parm sub? and LaVerdes answers We have made them since 198x! Just ask! Other than these all the Building 68 foodtrucks are pretty good except the Middle Eastern one. The Tex-Mex one has nice mole enchiladas. The Italian one has tasty pizza for $1 a slice after 2:30 and decent, large subs for $3 on Fridays. The Building 4 Cafe is an okay choice for coffee or breakfast pastry, but their sandwiches and stuff are a little expensive unless youre really in a hurry between classes. Rebeccas Cafe and Au Bon Pain in Kendall Square are good places to go if youve got friends around, but usually I just want to grab something quick and get back into lab if I dont have class. Some places I never eat on campus include: the Stata Center cafeteria (their sandwiches and pizza are good, but a little too expensive when the food trucks are 50 yards away), Lobdell in the student center (Ive heard that its gotten a lot better, but none of my classes are near the student center and by the time I get over there I usually just get Annas), the Chinese food truck at 77 Mass Ave (looks a little greasy for me), the food court in Kendall Square (a little more expensive and not much better than the nearby food trucks) and BioCafe (overpriced, but you can bring your food truck lunch inside when its cold!). Wow, I eat at food trucks a lot. Probably because all Chemical Engineering classes are a two minute walk away from them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cause of Tragedy Romeo and Juliet - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1697 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Romeo and Juliet Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? Romeo and Juliet is widely known to be a tragedy, but what caused the atrocity for which it is so renowned? Some may argue fate was to blame for Romeo’s and Juliet’s deaths, that the situations these young lovers faced were depicted as being out of their control. Could Romeo have refused to attend the Capulet masque? Was Romeo destined to duel the raging Tybalt? Did Romeo and Juliet truly have to kill themselves? If one considers the specific circumstances and causes of these situations, the fact that all scenarios are the result of choice rather than chance, and the notion that the characters were never left without options, only one conclusion can be determined. It was unarguably the decisions made by characters, not those made by fate, that were responsible for the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet. To fully comprehend how fate and destiny had no role in the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet, the terms â€Å"fate†, â€Å"destiny†, and â€Å"tragedy must first be understood. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cause of Tragedy Romeo and Juliet" essay for you Create order Fate can be defined as being â€Å"a power that determines and controls everything that is or happens,† (Newfeldt (Ed.) p.431) while destiny can be described as â€Å"what is predetermined to happen in spite of all efforts to change or prevent it.† (Newfeldt (Ed.) p.321) Therefore, fate is the entity that decides all that will occur, and destiny is the decision made by fate. Tragedy can be defined as the dramatic representation of serious and important actions that turn out disastrously for the main character. This indicates that the tragedies in Romeo and Juliet were the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, and to say fate and destiny were not responsible for these tragedies, is to say the characters of the play, rather than some intangible force, were aware and in control of the actions that caused Romeo’s and Juliet’s deaths. Of all the events that preluded to the joining and eventual deaths of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo’s attendance at the Capulet masque was paramount, with all other events being derived from this choice. This occurrence was not destiny; it was the contemplated decision made by Romeo to do something irresponsible. Upon being presented with the opportunity to go to the party, it can be seen that Romeo foresaw his demise when he said: I fear, too early; for my mind misgives Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night’s revels, and expire the term Of a despised life closed in my breast By some vile forfeit of untimely death. (Romeo and Juliet 1.4.106-111) However, even with this knowledge that he would die as result of going to the masque, he consciously decided to venture out and disregard his safety. Immediately after recognizing his possible death, he went on to say â€Å"But He that hath the steerage of my course/ Direct my sail?† (Romeo and Juliet 1.4.112-113) Not only did Romeo actively choose to do nothing to alter this grim destiny, he deliberately submitted to follow the path on which he was doomed. Fate, or some other power, presented Romeo with this vision of his death that he could use to prevent disaster, yet he chose to let tragedy befall him. Following the party where Romeo and Juliet first met, beginning their tragic relationship, Romeo continued, and Juliet started, to demonstrate self-destructive acts. Romeo desired to be with his love interest, and so sought her despite the dangers such action entailed. He chose to re-enter the Capulet’s domain, abandoning this friends, in order to find Juliet. Romeo’s decision perpetuated his and Juliet’s relationship, which could have ended at this point, as the two were not likely to see one another without forced action. With Romeo arriving at her balcony, Juliet made a choice that was severely against her best interests, increasing the likeliness of a terrible end. She stated â€Å"I have no joy of this contract tonight./ It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Romeo and Juliet 2.2.117-118) showing she recognized the folly of swearing her love to Romeo. The choice she made with this knowledge, however, lead towards her and Romeo’s destruction; she told Romeo â€Å"If that thy bent of love be honourable,/Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow,†¦/ And all my fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay,†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Romeo and Juliet 2.2.143-147), thus making the decision to marry Romeo, and do what so recently seemed irrational to her. This built up the potential for Romeo and Juliet to meet with untimely death, further leading to the fatal tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet were brought about by their marriage and their refusal to be without o ne another; when they decided to be wed, blame must be placed upon them for their decisions, but also on Friar Laurence, who married them. While Friar Laurence would not have married the two youths had they not chosen to do so, conversely, if the Friar had not decided to join them in marriage, Romeo and Juliet could not have become husband and wife. Friar Laurence demonstrated that he knew how ill-advised the marriage was when he informed Romeo and Juliet â€Å"These violent delights have violent ends, / And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, / Which as they kiss consume.† (Romeo and Juliet 2.6.9-11), and yet he proceeded to marry the young lovers. With his wisdom in this regard, Laurence should have known not to wed the couple; he should have known it would lead to catastrophe. Therefore, the marriage of Romeo and Juliet was not destined to happen; it was determined by an individual, Friar Laurence. However, it was not only love and marriage that were initiated when Romeo went to the Capulet masque; hatred and murder were incited as well. By attending the party, Romeo provoked Tybalt’s anger and became the target of this furious Capulet’s wrath. Tybalt did not randomly become enraged with Romeo and suddenly engage in a fight with him; he chose to battle Romeo well ahead of the event, even sending Romeo a letter to inform him of his intent to duel. It must also be recognized that, as both the Montague and Capulet families were well known to despise each other, Romeo would have known it very illogical to enter the Capulet celebration. Being a Montague himself, Romeo was surely aware his act would entail some sort of punishment, yet he once again took control of his destiny, misusing information that could potentially be used for his salvation. The choices made by Romeo and Tybalt had obvious detrimental effects that, easily seen by these two, resulted in the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio, the banishment of Romeo, and progressively coerced Romeo towards his possible demise. Following the banishment of Romeo, the final events preceding the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet took place. Juliet, condemned to marrying the County Paris by the will of her father, chose to seek out Friar Laurence. He would devise a plan that would rid the disease of a second marriage from Juliet and reunite her and Romeo. The Friar elected to help the young woman, creating a plan that was far too complicated and dangerous to work effectively. Juliet took upon herself the form of death by drinking a potion; this would surely cause Romeo to fall into despair should he be fooled by his love’s state. Although the Friar intended to inform the banished Montague, he did not attempt to do so until after the plan was put into effect, and did not convey t he gravity of the situation to his messenger, Friar John. When Juliet herself took action on the plan formed by Friar Laurence, she glimpsed an ominous vision of what may happen was she to drink the potion; she foresaw either her true death or insanity’s crescendo upon her mind. It was this final decision to drink the elixir, again made against foresight of hazard, that invariably lead to the scenario where Romeo and Juliet were faced with their possible deaths. Conclusion Finally, it must be recognized that, ultimately, Romeo and Juliet were responsible for each of their own deaths. The young lovers were not murdered by an enemy, they were not victims to an accident, nor did they fall ill with some deadly pestilence; they simply committed suicide. Romeo chose to take his life over living without Juliet, drinking the fatal poison he had purchased. Likewise was the case for Juliet, who, like Romeo, was the sole possessor of blame for her death. In this final situation, she was prey only to herself, with no force or individual controlling and conspiring against her. It was her hand that drove the dagger into her body, tragically ending the love she and Romeo briefly knew. There were no destinies for Romeo and Juliet other than those which they determined for themselves. To take one’s own life is the sole choice of the one committing suicide; it is not the responsibility of fate, as only the individual is in control of his or her own life. Romeo’s and Juliet’s deaths were the final results of a long series of consequential choices and actions. The possibility of tragedy was established with Romeo attending the Capulet’s masque, and with Romeo and Juliet swearing their love in marriage with help of Friar Laurence. The likeliness of their deaths was augmented with Tybalt battling Romeo, Romeo’s banishment, and Juliet’s and Friar Laurence’s plan to reunite the lovers. The tragedy ultimately took form when Romeo and Juliet were faced with the decisions to kill themselves. At no point in the sequence of events were Romeo, Juliet, the Friar, or anyone else left without an alternate choice to their actual deeds. They were always conscious of what was happening around them, and had good ideas as to what may co me about from their actions. There was no intricately designed destiny, leading to a bitter halt, that could not have been prevented; Romeo and Juliet’s road to destruction was paved simply by the poor choices made by themselves, their own fates.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Impact of Passions in Life Free Essays

Three passions, simple but vigorous, have made an impact in my life: love for soccer, affection for money, and craving love. These passions have carved the path I have walked and will continue for my life’s Journey. For one thing, I have always had a passion for soccer; first, because It brings Inspiration- inspiration is a great feeling that I would take chances for the rest of my life, for many hours of this revelation. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Passions in Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now I find that soccer seems to follow me, even In my dreams. I always see myself In the biggest soccer stadium In the world and just breathing and playing soccer. â€Å"Goal: The Dream Begins† Is a soccer movie that has made the biggest Impact In my soccer career mainly because the movie was so Inspiring to watch. This movie seemed Like a reality because the mall character In the movie had such motivation and desire for the game of soccer. Nowadays, soccer Is making a bigger Impact In my elite, and the reason Is seeing all the professional soccer athletes training hard In practice and working hard In games. Soccer will always be my passion, and this inspiration for this sport will help me continue in my life’s journey. In addition to being inspired in soccer, I feel as if the affection for money helps me stay on track on my life’s journey. My passion for money makes me think more positively and makes me strive to get more. For me, buying certain things such as clothes, food and health products always make me have a positiv e mindset because I realize that hard work pays off. I feel without hard work towards money I could never have a positive mindset and fantasize about doing good things with my earnings. I know this passion to get money helps release energy, and it doesn’t make me too stressed, but instead it makes me dream and helps me talk about what to do next with my money. I feel having that affection for money helps me appreciate things and makes a positive determination on my life’s Journey. Craving love has always been attainable, for it can bring positive relations with people and the world. Loving someone or something is a great feeling, and having that genuine passion for love can create positive things. I believe in karma, and doing meeting with good intention for a person or thing will come back and help you out. I feel if I love then later in the future karma will come around and bring a definite smile on my face. Love can have a strong connection towards people, and I feel If I can love then that connection will guide me to a safe place and enlighten my Journey. So far, this has been my life’s Journey. I have found It worth living for these three passions, and I would do It all again If the chance were awarded to me because these emotions so far brought a pleasure In my life. For one thing, I have always had a passion for soccer; first, because it brings inspiration- inspiration is a great feeling that I would take chances for the rest of my life, for many hours of this revelation. I find that soccer seems to follow me, even in my dreams. I always see myself in the biggest soccer stadium in the world and Just breathing and playing soccer. â€Å"Goal: The Dream Begins† is a soccer movie that has made the biggest impact in my soccer career mainly because the movie was so inspiring to watch. This movie seemed like a reality because the main character in s making a bigger impact in my life, and the reason is seeing all the professional soccer athletes training hard in practice and working hard in games. Soccer will life’s Journey. Stay on track on my life’s Journey. My passion for money makes me think more smile on my face. Love can have a strong connection towards people, and I feel if I So far, this has been my life’s Journey. I have found it worth living for these three passions, and I would do it all again if the chance were awarded to me because these emotions so far brought a pleasure in my life. How to cite Impact of Passions in Life, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Air Canada Pilots Association v. Kelly 2012 FCA 209 †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Air Canada Pilots Association v. Kelly, 2012 FCA 209. Answer: Air Canada Pilots Association v. Kelly, 2012 FCA 209 The facts of the case are that two retired pilots namely George Vilven and Robert Neil Kelly of Air Canada were pressurised by the airlines association to quit due to provision of mandatory retirement. The mandatory provision of the retirement deals with an obligation on the employees to retire at the age of 60. The Canadian tribunal does not rely on the allegations of the plaintiff, Kelly and Vilven. The tribunal ordered that a present fact of the case does not falls in the exception to the mandatory prohibition against the decimation on age factor in the employment legislation. The tribunal order the judgment on the basis of section 1 of the charter. The section 1 of the Canadian Charter on Human Rights Act does not favour the provision of discrimination of equality on age factor under section 15 of the Canadian Charter. The ambit of section 1 provides a reasonable justification to the mandatory prohibition of retirement on the basis of referred case of McKinney v University of Guelph [1990] SCJ No. 122 states that provision of mandatory prohibition of retirement does not violates the ambit of age based discrimination and upheld the constitutional validity of the section 1 of the Canadian Charter (Smyth, Soberman and Easson, 2008). The tribunal in the present case held that the allegations made by the plaintiffs are not reasonable and justifiable. The retirement age at the year of 60 is reasonable and fulfilling a bona fide requirement of the scheme on mandatory retirement. The decision of the present case leaves an affirmative opinion on the mandatory requirement in context of proper balancing of human rights. Thus, the limitation on the right of equality is significant mechanism in order to preserve the beneficial legislation like mandatory retirement age (Thornicroft, 2016). References Thornicroft, K. W. (2016). The Uncertain State of Mandatory Retirement in Canada.LaborLaw Journal,67(2), 397. Smyth, J. E., Soberman, D. A., Easson, A. J. (2008).Thelaw and business administration in Canada. Prentice-Hall of Canada.